VIP Plumbing are Water Treatment Experts

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Water Treatment
Cleveland Water Softener Installation and Repair

Water Treatment
Cleveland Water Softener Installation and Repair

For water softener system installations in the Cleveland area you will be glad you found the experts at VIP Plumbing.

Hard water contains more minerals than soft water, specifically calcium and magnesium, and can cause many problems for your home plumbing, ranging from clogged pipes to the prevention of soap and detergent from dissolving in the water.

Our team can install a water softening system in your home in Cleveland, which will remove the minerals that cause hard water and prevent the associated negative consequences.

Water Treatment Process Diagram

How Water Softeners Work

A water softener is packed with resin beads. Hard water with calcium and magnesium flows through this resin and, in a process called ion exchange, the hardness ions in the water trade places with soft ions on the resin beads. The result is soft water.

Over time, the resin beads in the water softener will become covered with calcium and magnesium ions, diminishing their capacity to soften hard water. Through a process called regeneration, water is automatically flushed through the water softener with a concentrated amount of regenerant. Now the resin beads pick up the soft ions from the regenerant in exchange for the hardness on the beads. With the resin beads “recharged,” the water softener goes back to service, providing the whole house with clean, soft water.

Water Softener Advantages

Water treated with a water softener versus untreated hard water has many benefits:

  • With a water softener your silverware and glassware, are cleaner and shinier
  • Your hair and skin feels softer, cleaner and smoother with water treated by a water softener.
  • Hard water treated with a water softener, greatly reduces housework by eliminating the formation of soap curd.
  • Hard water made soft through a water softener restores the rich lathering of your soaps and shampoos, thus reducing the usage and costs of these products by 75%.
  • Soft water also preserves the life of all water using appliances such as coffee and ice makers, dishwashers, and clothing washers. A water heater protected by a water softening system will also reduce the yearly energy cost of that appliance by 22%-29%.

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